MAHADBT Portal | Maharashtra Farmer's Registration |

The Mahadbt portal has been developed to provide benefits of Scholarship, Pension, Farmers and Labour scheme to the eligible people in the State of Maharashtra through DBT.

An unprecedented expansion of direct benefits has been made through this Portal in which the Government of Maharashtra has created the Mahadbtmahait website to reach/spread the benefits of Direct Benefit Transfer to the Poor, deprived and deserving people.

Through this portal, the benefits of about 11 Kisan Schemes are given through various departments of the State Government.


MahaDBT Farmer's Schemes :-

There are mainly 11 different schemes for farmers under this portal and they are:-

  • Pradhan mantri Krishi Sichaee Yojana (प्रधानमंत्री कृषि सिचाई योजना)
  • Farm Machinikaran UP-Mission (फार्म मशीनीकरण उप-मिशन)
  • Rashtriya Khaadya Suraksha Mission (राष्ट्रीय खाद्य सुरक्षा मिशन)
  • Birsa Munda Krishi Kranti Yojana (बिरसा मुंडा कृषि क्रांति योजना)
  • Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Krishi Swavalamban Yojana (डॉ बाबासाहेब अम्बेडकर कृषी स्वावलंबन योजना)
  • Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (बागवानी का एकीकृत विकास मिशन)
  • Rainfed Area Development Program (रेनफेड एरिया डेवलपमेंट प्रोग्राम)
  • Bhausaheb Fundkar Phalbhag Lagvad Yojana (भाऊसाहेब फण्डकर फालबाग लगवद योजना)
  • Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (राष्ट्रीय कृषि विकास योजना)
  • State Agricultural Mechanization Scheme (राज्य कृषि यंत्रीकरण योजना)
  • Chief Minister Sustainable Agricultural Irrigation Scheme (मुख्यमंत्री सतत कृषि सिंचाई योजना)

Eligibility Criteria to Apply for MahaDBT Farmer Schemes:-
  • Applicant must belong to the state of Maharashtra.
  • Only Farmers can apply for these schemes.
  • Farmers must have a permanent power connection to the electric water pump motor.
  • This scheme is only for those farmers who have less than 5 hectares of land.
  • Subsidy benefit can be availed once as per the scheme.

Online Registration Procedure for MahaDBT Farmer Schemes:-

If you want to apply for any Maharashtra Kisan Schemes, then you have to follow the procedure given below:-
  • Visit the official website of MahaDBT Portal. Click on "Farmer Schemes".

  • On the homepage, you have to click on "New Applicant Registration" option.

  • Now, you have to enter the applicant's name User name, Password, Email Id and Mobile number.
  • You have to click on "Get OTP" button for email and mobile. You will receive an OTP over email and registered mobile number.
  • After Validating the Mobile and Email, you have to click on "Register" button.
  • After that, on the next page you have to select the option "Registration without Aadhaar Card OR "Registration with Aadhaar Card" option.
  • If you have an Aadhaar Card, click on the option "Registration with Aadhaar Card" and then click on space where 12 digit Aadhaar card number need to be enter.
  •  You will receive OTP on your registered mobile number, enter it on given space.
  • After that, you have to upload all the documents like photo, address proof, Identity Proof etc in the registration form.
  • After that you have to login again to the MahaDBT Portal.
  • Finally, you can apply for different Kisan Yojana after login to MahaDBT Portal.


  1. महाराष्ट्र सरकारने Mahadbt योजनेचे अंतर्गत शेतकरी पंजीकरण प्रक्रिया देखील सरल केली आहे. शेतकरी या योजनेच्या लाभांच्या मागण्यासाठी ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण करू शकतात आणि अर्ज पाठविल्यानंतर उत्तरपत्रक देणे गरजेचे नाहीत.

    या लेखामध्ये उल्लेखित आणि उपलब्ध करण्यात आलेल्या माहितींनुसार, या योजनेचा उद्देश शेतकऱ्यांना विविध लाभ देणे आहे. यात संबंधित शेतकरी उत्पादक संस्था नेमणुकीसाठी सुविधा मिळते आणि शेतकरींना विविध स्कीम उपलब्ध होतात जेणेकरुन शेतकरी अधिक लाभाने परवानगी घ्यावे.

    Mahadbt Farmar योजनेचा हा अंतर्गत शेतकरी पंजीकरण सर्वांगीण आणि सरल असून, शेतकरी या योजनेच्या लाभांसाठी ऑनलाइन अर्ज करू शकतात. त्यामुळे शेतकरींना संपूर्ण माहिती अशी पूर्णपणे उपलब्ध होणार आहे आणि अधिक माहिती मिळविण्यासाठी आपण या लेखाचा संदर्भ घेऊ शकता.


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